making a difference.

one step at a time.

via ideas and innovation.


We are STRIVE. We are an organization advocating independence, values, and education that help primarily homeless people and underprivileged children.

The difference between most organizations and us is that our creative process is very different; we think outside of the box to find solutions for everyday problems plaguing homeless individuals and underprivileged children, while raising awareness to build an educated populace. We complement our thinking process using proven thinking methods revolutionized by Edward De Bono. All of our directors have been trained in the same way corporate officials are to foster creative thinking.

This elegant merge of corporate productivity and empathy allows for the forging of a new organization specifically built to tackle these real world problems.


These are our current projects. We use innovation to propel our ideas to the next level. The uniqueness about the set up is that the merge of two different disciplines creates a new field, which we can use to spread our ideas and our causes.